Ripples Leadership Journey
This program lies at the core of leadership development and is the foundation for building effective teams and high performing organizations.
The key to successful transformation lies in the ability to understand how we inspire others and what sustains us. As we live in a world where we have ever increasing demands on our time and attention, we are continuously challenged both personally and professionally even just to keep up. Developing the capacity to clarify what’s truly important for us and cultivating the courage to lead with authenticity is critical for living and leading a successful life.
As most seasoned captains will tell you, if you can reach the eye of the storm, you will be safe. When deep within self we can find strength and stability, we can come out to do whatever is needed. The program is a 3-day journey of self-discovery that will provide you with insights to excel at what you do and lead others more effectively. It will give you the tools to explore your life with a new perspective, to look at your experiences with a set of new eyes, and to gain insights that might be life-changing – such as acquiring new habits and letting go of those that prevent you from staying real.
The Ripples Leadership Journey uses a very structured approach and methodology to guide you through your journey. While you take ample time to reflect on your own story and its teachings, you walk out with a very concrete action plan that will help you become a better leader.
All you need to do is give yourself the gift of 3 days where you take a break to connect to yourself, others and nature. In our crazed world, this is no small task, we realize. Should you dare reward yourself, however, you will be amazed at what comes out! As did thousands of business leaders worldwide who participated in this journey.